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Become an Instructor

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How to Become an Instructor

High-Dosage Tutoring!

There is no secret sauce in this remedy. Studies have shown that intensive 1 to 1 academic support can greatly impact a student’s performance in the classroom and on standardized exams.
akuzee ensures that each student is a placed in a virtual classroom and assigned a highly trained instructor that will design a learning plan specific to the needs of the student. Weekly tutoring sessions, no less than 2 hours per week, will align with the student’s current course work, providing relevant support.


What has kept this solution away from so many students from under resourced communities is affordability. 1 to 1 tutoring is very expensive and is usually a resource only available to students of wealthier families.
Because our mission is not profit driven, akuzee is able to efficiently design and deliver educational support to students at a competitive rate - democratizing quality education. Quality education should not be a luxury.

Online Live Class

Prior to the global pandemic, many students had never completed a full day of classes in a virtual environment. We have to thank modern technology for enabling students across the globe to continue their education through such a very uncertain time.
The virtual classroom is a very powerful tool when used to provide 1 to 1 academic support. Unlike virtual classrooms that were used by many school districts in America during the crisis, akuzee’s virtual classroom has a student to teacher ratio that is more favorable for students who need attentive and self-paced academic support.

We're here to help

Our Instructor Support Team is here for you 24/7 to help you through your course creation needs. Use our Teaching Center, a resource center to help you through the process.This community group is always on, always there, and always helpful.

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